"Drawings of Angels? Hmm...Let's see..."
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Searching for angel pencil drawings? Which type of angel drawings topic might interest you?
A realistic angel drawing? (I'll describe more on this page) OR
To draw cartoon angel? (If you are interested in cartoon angel, then go to Draw Cartoon Angel. You'll be directed to another web page)
Have you make your choice? Interested in realistic angel pencil sketches and
Here, I'll share with you:
If you want to have your pencil drawings of angels, it is better to have
at least, basic knowledge regarding angels.
What are angels?
According to Wiki, Angels are a medium of God's power; they exist to execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves
to individuals as well as to the whole nation, to announce
events,either bad or good, affecting humans.
It was narrated that angels sent messages from God to all His Prophets and His
Messengers. For examples, angels foretold to Abraham the birth of
Isaac, to Manoah the birth of Samson, and to Abraham the destruction of
Sodom. Guardian angels were also mentioned several religion books,
but not, as was later the case, as guardian spirits of individuals
and nations.
There are
so many description on angels and what's next?
After you know a little bit
about angels, you
can start to sketch an angel. The best way is to get an angel in front
of you...but can you see angels? If you can see them, then I guess
there will be no problem to catch a print photo of them and start
I'm so sure that I can't see them... but I can use my own imagination to
draw angels in pencil.
Now let's start a step-by-step drawings of angels lesson.
Pencil Drawing of Angel - Step No. 1
Since they are described in
many religions as
heavenly creatures, most of the drawings of angel illustrations
presented that angels have wings! In addition most of them are
illustrated as female angels although they are actually have no sexes.
you can start your angel sketch using a HB grade graphite pencil.
Create a female angel sketch with a pair of wings. Just sketch as if
you are sketching a female figure but this time she has wings - draw a
woman with wings! Sketch a big pair of angel wings at the back.
the idea?
Let's continue...
Pencil Drawing of
Angel - Step No. 2
Now, describe what you want
your angel drawing
to be... Imagine your angel figure has long blonde hair, wearing a gown
and handling a bunch of roses. She is descending down to earth.
her (smiling) face, hair, arms, roses and the gown using a 2B grade
pencil. Then, erase gently your entire angel sketch to remove unwanted
Re-draw your angel sketch by following
the unerased sketch lines.
Get the idea?
the next step...
Pencil Drawing of Angel - Step No. 3
Use a 2B and 4B grade graphite pencil to create tones. Put special emphasize on the wings.
And finally...
Your pencil drawn angel...
Keep it in a folder or paste it on your room's wall. I highly recommend that you scan your artwork or at least take a few snaps using a digital camera and then store your images at any available free image hosting company like Photobucket.
Or, you can have your own personalized t-shirts from this angel drawing. Visit Custom T-Shirts
to have yours... There is no minimum order required.
Otherwise, you might want it for tattoos. By the way, do you want to remove unwanted tattoos?
Learn How To Remove Unwanted Tattoos Naturally
Let's see some examples of angel drawings...

If you are buying art drawings of angels, I would suggest that you buy
directly form any art suppliers online. It's easier and cheaper too.
I'll update this website with these information soon:
If you want to get rid of unwanted tattoo, simply follow this link to
Discover a Simple, Natural, Yet Effective System that is Guaranteed to Get Rid of Your Unwanted
Tattoo - Without any Painful, Expensive and Risky Abrasion or Laser Procedures
Wanna Share Your Favorite Drawings Of Angels?
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Tips to upload your video:
Goto YouTube.com or Metacafe.com. Signup (if you're not a member yet). Upload your video. Once published, copy the embed code and paste it in the text box below.
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